ithum world

The Ithum World is the upcoming commercial project in Sector-62 Noida. The project comes with specifications and Amenities Like No Other. The coming soon commercial project has a few of the advantages that are mentioned here:

     Earthquake-resistant RCC framed construction with foam concrete bricks infill

     Wallpapers in public spaces

     Floors in communal spaces are made of Italian marble or granite.

     UPVC double stack fully ventilated systems provide state-of-the-art plumbing.

     Expert cybernation's Automatic RO BO (AOS) System.

     Stainless steel fittings on veneer laminated doors

     Tower A has a helipad.

     Metro Access is Simple

     Elegant communal areas and state-of-the-art facilities

     Fountains with cascades

Aluminium canopies with hanging entrances